And then I get pregnant. All sense of self control and self denial literally FLY out my door. Fudgsicle for lunch- SURE! Veggies and dip for a post lunch snack? At least it's somewhat healthy, I rationalize. Chipotle for dinner? Only if Daniel agrees. (Please Lord, let Daniel agree...) It's as if I feel entitled to the craving because... I'm pregnant! with twins! It's winter! The twins need it (this one works well on Daniel ;)
Is it because our culture expects pregnant women to have cravings that I feel such a lack of control? Is it because people are inclined to say: "Go ahead, you're eating for 2 now." (or in my case 3!) And then, as if to add insult to injury, the things I crave the most are the things pregnant women aren't really supposed to have. For example, a California sub from Jimmy John's sounds DELISH. But I'm not supposed to have lunch meat. And I'd love to wash that sub down with an icy cold Cherry Coke. Except the caffeine is bad for the babies and the Coke is bad for all of us. And then I make chocolate chip cookies for small group but sampling the raw cookie dough is a no-no so I shouldn't risk it.
And I'm not alone in my cravings crisis either. I have had several mama's share some pretty hysterical cravings stories from crying over chicken salad (Hi Lauren!) to refusing to eat a banana split (Hi Christie!)
But then there's a flip side to this coin: food aversions. Currently, I cannot BEAR the thought of eating leftovers. I will make something really tasty for dinner one night and the next day the mere thought of heating up the leftovers makes me lose my appetite. More times than not I have chosen to skip the meal than eat the leftovers. WHY?! I am normally fine with leftovers, especially if it's something that I enjoyed the first time! Am I growing children who will also hate leftovers?
Cravings Count
While pregnant with Isaiah I craved apples & peanut butter, watermelon, chocolate milkshakes from UDF, guacamole.While pregnant with the twins, I have craved/am currently craving veggies & dip, Chipotle burritos, the ever classic pickles (by themselves though), Jimmy Johns, LaRosa's.