Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Throes of Labor

So exactly this time 365 days ago I was in the THROES of labor with Isaiah! My water broke at 7:30pm and I labored on the floor next to our bed all night. Daniel caught snatches of sleep, waking every few hours to see if I needed anything. Finally at 6am he called Dena, our doula and she came and helped me labor for another 6 hours before we finally went to the hospital! Isaiah was born naturally at 3:30pm Saturday August 18.

It's funny how memories can dim, even just after 1 year. I have ZERO recollection of the the physical pain of labor. I remember telling Daniel how badly it hurt. I remember begging for an epidural about 12 hours in (my labor lasted 18 hours) but I simply could not describe the pain of a contraction to you... It's odd really. I DO remember the feeling of that final push that fully released Isaiah and a feeling of shock and awe washing over me as I held my newborn son.

But of course it was worth it. I so do not regret having a natural labor. Isaiah was so aware and alert after I delivered him. I truly loved laboring at home instead of hooked up in a hospital. I am so so so grateful we decided to hire a doula to help us labor more efficiently at home.

And now here we are, 1 year later with an AWESOME, happy, heart stealing, blue eyed baby boy who is the light of our lives. Oh my how we love this boy. I have planned a SLAM BANG Winnie the Pooh birthday party for him tomorrow. I am very pumped about this party. All I can say is "Thank You Pinterest!" I am very excited to celebrate Isaiah first year of life. Be on the lookout for pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. May I, as the Grammy of this beautiful little blue-eyed wonder, and as the mother of his amazing mama, weigh in once again? Indulge me please...

    All 9 months, as I watched Isaiah grow from the outside, I was in awe seeing my own daughter pregnant. Nothing really prepares you for this. It was (and is) simply one of God's greatest gifts within the circle of life.

    I was also not prepared for what I experienced when my daughter went into labor. You never stop being a mom, even after your kids are grown. You still want to kiss their boo boos and keep them safe...and when they're hurting you still feel that insanely intense need to somehow find a way to make it all better. Yet, during this time, that was not my role.

    I don't believe I've ever prayed longer and more arduously than I did those 18 hours. Every form of prayer, intercession, praise, and worship took place during that time. I suppose the Holy Spirit was my doula that day ;)

    Our family 'labored' in the hospital waiting room that day for nearly 4 hours and, although I was in awe of the thought of finally getting to meet my 'Little Man,' I have to be honest here...when I finally walked into that hospital room I made a beeline straight for MY baby because you see - a mother never stops being a mother.

    I love you my K-K-K-Katie-girl! Thank you for giving the world the most precious gift - God's perfect little boy so big and strong!
