Thursday, September 12, 2013

String Cheese Koozie

Do you know what a koozie is? It goes by a variety of spellings. Coozy. Koozie. Coosie. Coldy-Holdy. (I think that one is my favorite.) A koozie is the foam thing you slip around you can of Coca-Cola so you can comfortably hold your ice cold drink AND keep it cold.

Well. I have just recently been given something like that but for... STRING CHEESE. Oooh yes. I have a string cheese koozie. I SUPPOSE if you wanted to be picky, you could argue that it's actually more of a cooler than a koozie but koozie is more fun to say.

Here's the story. Since I get to stay home part time with Isaiah, I like to look for other ways to bring in money for my family. I participate in diaper panels and surveys and the like. I also subscribe to a variety of websites where you have to answers a bunch of questions and surveys and over time you build up enough credit and they start to send you goodies like coupons and free samples and... cheese koozies!! This particular "cheese accessory" came from Influenster and Sargento cheese (proudly displayed on the top of the koozie, of course.)

Now, you may be asking yourself if a cheese koozy is really worth getting all excited about. And the answer would be no. I laughed out loud when I pulled the cheese koozie out of the box and it took me a minute to realize what the thing actually was. But underneath the koozie was a coupon for a free package of Sargento cheese. NOW we're getting somewhere! Free cheese is even better than cheese you have to pay for. BOOM BABY!

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