Friday, June 28, 2013

Teenage Boys

Daniel, Isaiah, & I have spent the last 2 weeks at CIY Move. It's AWESOME. Let me just say that I'm really grateful CIY keeps calling back, asking Daniel to be the emcee, because the people at CIY are seriously on to something that WORKS. This current week, we have also had Daniel's 17 year old brother Tony joining us. Between Tony and watching all the boys here, let's just say I have had a peak into what lies ahead of us when Isaiah is a teenager. Here's what I have observed about teen boys.
  • Using cologne is a perfectly acceptable alternative to showering.
  • Mt. Dew is good any time of the day, even 7:30am.
  • Hats, but especially sunglasses can be worn whenever, wherever. It's raining? Doesn't matter. We're inside a restaurant? Sunglasses still on. 9pm at night? Rockin' the shades.
  • Girls who are perfect strangers will walk up and ask to have their picture taken with you. They will not always introduce themselves. They will not always engage you in any conversation, other than "Can I have my picture taken with you?!"
  • Girls who are perfect strangers will walk up and ask to give you a free hug. I mean, come on. Who charges for hugs anyway? Ppfftt.
  • Teens will do ANYTHING for junk food. or the chance to be on stage. or the chance to win a free t-shirt. [OK, I'd do anything for that stuff too.]
  • Some songs are so popular, it's like the Pied Piper himself is backstage working the turntables. Those songs include anything remotely catchy and with a dance beat. The teens WILL get up and dance, especially if pandas* are involved (*Note: this may not actually be true outside of the CIY culture but it sure does work here.) 
  • Above mentioned music + one really convincing kid and the teens will start a conga line that snakes around the room until we're surrounded by that pungent teen boy smell. Yeah, there's no escaping that. Sure, go ahead and go out into the lobby for a breath of fresh air. That smell will be hanging thick and heavy in the air the moment you step back into the auditorium.
  • A surprising number of boys have noticed, played with, and/or commented on how cute Isaiah is. I mean, I know my kid is cute but when a 16 year old boy says so, it's gotta be true, RIGHT?!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear more from you. Pretty much all I'll get from Tony are grunts and eye rolls! Thank you so much for having him with you. Do Isaiah and Tony are chick magnets?
