Wednesday, June 26, 2013

An Imaginary Dialogue

Do you ever feel like the Lord is "dealing with you" over a certain subject or issue? I've been feeling God sort of prompting me to deal with some junk recently. It's small-ish junk (as though junk comes in sizes?) but small or large, junk is junk and I'd like it gone from my life. Actually,  I take that back. It's not small junk. It basically affects every area of my life. I guess I think it's small because it's not a major sin issue, it's a lack of spiritual fruit. But it's not small, not really.

Here's the dialogue in my head imagination when God prompts me like this (and I'm paying close enough attention to do something about it):

God: "Katie, you know self-control is a fruit of the spirit."
Katie doesn't recognize God is speaking to her.
God: "Proverbs says a man without self control is like a city that's been looted."
Katie hears God but ignores Him.
God: "My Spirit within you has the power to help you gain better self-control."
Katie: "This is uncomfortable. Learning self-control means I can't satisfy my flesh. It means I have to tell myself no. No to things I like saying yes to (ie. sleeping in instead of reading my Bible, checking Facebook instead of going for a run, eating ice cream at 10pm.)"
God: "I hear you but life is better with self control. It might not look this way right now but My grass seriously is greener. You know I wouldn't steer you wrong here."
Katie: "Nope. Don't like it. Not gonna do it. Besides, this isn't actually YOU God. This is just my crazy imagination."
"Do you want to be in exactly the same place with deeper ruts and even harder-to-break habits a year from now? 5 years from now? Or do you want things to be different?"
Katie: "Fine, I guess I can see some areas that I'd like to change. But I don't like it. What do I do first?"
God says nothing.
Katie: "God?"
God says nothing.

Does anyone else feel like this?! You have this great moment of communication with God. You feel yourself really truly "hearing" from Him. You make the decision to make a change. You ask God to help you get started and boom, suddenly Chatty Cathy up there is stone silent. Sigh. God sure does like for His kids to figure things out for themselves!

1 comment:

  1. I do! I do! I LOVED the deeper ruts statement. I have been (not) dealing with my eating habits and lack of exercise for, oh, forever, but I stop up my ears when I hear God try to tell me to stop. Maybe we could listen together?
