Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Grand Opening!

This is it.
I'm going in.
I've made a decision and I'm sticking with it.
I've started a blog.

But why? With all the social media out there and all the stuff we see online everyday, who cares about ANOTHER blog?

Well... I guess I'm not really doing it for anyone else. Not really. I'm doing it because I sometimes have deep thoughts. and funny thoughts. and poignant thoughts. and TONS of random thoughts. And I need a place to jot that stuff down. I like to document life through pictures, creating a blog seems to be the next logical step. Plus it's easier to type than it it is to put pen to paper. (And with that thought another cursive letter dies...) Thus, a blog. So I'm pleased with this decision. I think writing more is going to make me smarter, more well-rounded, a better thinker. I like these things.

So for my first blog post, I'd like to leave you with this picture. because I can.

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