Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Chapstick Addiction

Have you ever heard of a chapstick addiction? I read once that chapstick makers put alcohol in their chapstick so that the product actually dries a person's lips, therefore causing them to need their chapstick, thus creating an addiction. But you see, I use Burt's Bees chapstick (I checked the ingredient list for alcohol- not a drop.) I have used Burt's Bees for a very long time, probably 10+ years. I love love LOVE this stuff. It's minty, it goes on easy AND it freshens my breath, the tube is yellow which is my favorite color, AND it's made out of beeswax which MUST be a good thing. But I think I'm addicted because I very recently finished my last tube and I cannot stop thinking about when I can next make a Target run for some Burt's Bees. I solidified my addict status when I went tearing through my closet, checking every pocket of every pair of jeans, dress pants, hoodies, & jackets. My lips seem to cry out for the refreshing swipe of that beeswax-y goodness. Oh dear.

Then my brain had a GENIUS idea. My brain said to me "Katie, if you love this stuff so much, buy a case of it." Hello light bulb! Of course! Buy a case and never go without chapstick again.

Um, that's a no... a case of this stuff goes for about $395.45 on Amazon. So I guess I have a reason to make yet another Target run. Speaking of addictions... mmm, Target...

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