Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Magic Clothes

Some of you may know that my sister is a personal trainer. And she's good. She's tough but she's very good. However it seems my sister (and my brother too) got all of the athletic genes and left none for me. I'm hopelessly non-athletic. I love to play games but I'm not coordinated for sports. I have a hard time grasping all the rules and exceptions to organized sports, much less the hand-eye coordination required to excel. I'm also not competitive so I experience no internal drive to "win at all costs." I also experience no internal drive to "risk personal safety" and "bodily harm" for whatever ball/frisbee/base/object that I am supposed to stop/catch/trap/stop on/etc. And so, I never really learned how to be physically active. Don't get me wrong, my parents did try. They let me play both t-ball and basketball. Sadly. my assumption is that a parent can only handle so much whining from their kid before they give up and let them quit whatever it is they won't stop whining about. (Of course it also didn't help that in my championship basketball game I made a basket for the other team, resulting in intense personal scarring and a strong loathing for basketball that exists even today. But that's a story for another time.) Now flash forward to today. Natural inclinations aside, I need to be more active, plain and simple. I want to have energy to chase Isaiah and his future siblings around the house. I want to model positive self esteem for my future daughters. I want to live a long and healthy life so I can keep Daniel on his toes. I need to make some changes.

"So, that's great Katie. What are ya gonna do about it?" I imagine you might be saying to yourself if we were having this conversation in person. Well, let me tell you. I'm wearing workout clothes today.

Remember earlier when I told you my sister is a personal trainer? Because of her profession she's almost always running around in workout clothes and she's got some CUTE stuff! I think her workout clothes are just as cute as her dress up clothes. My workout clothes consist of baggy t-shirts and spandex shorts. Not cute. But I found a Gap Body top at the thrift store the other day and I really like it! I threw it on this morning knowing I'd be going to Zumba later today. And just by wearing workout clothes I'm making better choices! It's like I've got it in my head that I'm going to be working out later so I don't want to consume more calories than necessary. It's amazing! I feel so... athletic, running around in my cute new top. It's quite uncanny actually. Feeling athletic is so far from normal for me, I feel like I'm becoming this brand new person.

You know how the new health craze lately is to say "I don't want to be thin, I just want to be healthy." Well, that's kind of a load of crap. I want to be healthy. I also want to be thin. But really I want to put on clothes and not have negative thoughts running through my brain. In workout clothes I feel like maybe that might just be possible. So, watch out world, who knows where this could lead? (Hopefully it leads to a whole closet full of thrift store finds in smaller sizes!)

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