Thursday, July 25, 2013

Of Talent Shows & Inside Jokes

Daniel & I have had several conversation over the course of this year which have basically ended with the same decision. We need to be more adventurous. We need more spontaneity. We need more inside jokes. The funny thing about inside jokes is that you can't force them. They must happen organically, without any set up. Inside jokes must appear on their own accord. BUT you can put yourself in the position for inside jokes. Meaning you must break routine. You must do something out of the ordinary in order to create maximum inside joke opportunity.

Here comes an opportunity.

I signed us up for a talent show. The Greater Anderson Days "Anderson's Got Talent" talent show. For those who know us, this may not seem that strange or out of the ordinary. Daniel & I are both well trained musicians. We're certainly not new to performing. Yet this is not something we do regularly. or ever. If my memory serves correctly I have never performed in a talent show. I karaoke'd once. I sang "Da doo ron ron" at the Dairy Queen. It was horrible.

The thing is, I'm really not one performing. I don't love it. I love to sing. I love music. I love teaching others how to perform. I love to watch other people perform, especially really good performances. But I don't love performing myself. It's the nerves really. And the feeling self conscious. I do not like either. And now I have to decide to what to wear. Which means I'll try on everything in my closet, wish I had started exercising the day after Isaiah was born so that my tummy wasn't still so post-partum squishy, tell myself that new clothes would fix it, tell myself there's no money for new clothes, and start back over with trying everything on.

But I wanted to do something different. I wanted to show Daniel we're still young and fun and do silly things like enter local talent shows. We're creating memories. We're building stories to tell Isaiah and his future siblings. We're gonna laugh about this on Monday when it's all over and it'll build intimacy and pleasure into our relationship. Right?

It would also be nice if we won the $1000 grand prize. Just sayin'.

Here's the youtube link for our audition video. We make a good team, I gotta admit.

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