Sunday, July 14, 2013

Homebody + Social Butterfly Follow Up

Well, gosh. All I really have to say is thanks! Since my homebody/social butterfly blog post, so many of you have commented, sent messages & emails, or gave hugs (in person) but all of the encouragement has been so great. Quite a few people even told me that my wings would grow back one day, which certainly made me smile.

Before I posted the blog, I asked Daniel (our resident social butterfly) to read it. This topic certainly isn't new for us but I didn't want to catch him off guard or make him feel disrespected when he read it. So, after he read it and gave his approval, it opened the door for us to have a nice long talk that didn't result with me in tears. (For some reason, I cannot have a serious conflict discussion with Daniel without me crying. It's been that way since the beginning of our marriage, I can't explain it.) Anyway, we talked about balance. We added a Family Night to our weekly calendar so that it's a non-negotiable event. It was very very good for me. Yay. Problem solved, right? Well, no. Several friends suggested that this issue may run deeper than just a balance issue for us. It may be a case of misplaced contentment for me. Hhhmm, I hadn't considered that. Am I expecting my husband and son to carry the burden of making me happy, or am I finding my daily joy in Christ ? Am I finding ALL of my personal validation in my role as wife & mother or am I clinging to the cross to find my identity? I need to spend some time digging into this... More to come I suppose!

1 comment:

  1. this (and the previous post) almost made ME cry! the momma journey is complex in so many ways and affects each woman on a deep level so individually and uniquely. no matter how differently we are each affected, we can take comfort in knowing we aren't being affected alone. xo
